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  • Subject is exactly "The United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama"

Post Office, Talladega, Ala. no. 47718-C. American Art Blue Sky. Built around 1912. This old post office was built on the site of the old Exchange Hotel. This post office closed in the 1970s. The building now houses the city water department board.…

Post Office Talladega ALA, No 47718-C, Mrs A. F Harlin 3938 S Hoodlawn, Nashville Tenn, Here's a lovely picture in a pretty case for you almost like my oval one only square - You will have to drive down and spend the weekend with me to get it- Phill…

U S Post Office, Sylacauga, Alabama No 3303

H-6 U S Post Office and Court House, Huntsville, Ala, OB-H2672, The courtroom on the 2nd floor includes a Xavier Gonzalez, 1937 WPA mural of five figures engaged in art., industry, agriculture, and family activities In use.

Government Building, Huntsville, AL. no. 16703

U S Post Office, Guntersville, Ala, U. S. Pos Office, erected 1940-1941, is constructed of Georgia marble. It is one of the finest post office buildings in North Alabama

U S Post Office, Gadsden, Ala, No. 107, No. 7402, Tichnor Bros, Inc - Boston, Mass, A rear, three story extension was added in 1936. A 1959 fire damaged part of the courtroom ceiling. The court facilities were used by the U.S. District and Bankruptcy…

Post Office, Gadsden Alabama No. 34, 15027 N

Post Office, Gadsden, ALA-6 No. 16910, A one-story post office was completed in 1910. Two floors were added in 1913 creating the court facilities. Those facilities were used by the U.S. District Court. The U.S. Circuit Court for the Northern District…

U S Post Office, Fort Payne, Alabama No. 2B229-N, Genuine Curteich - Chicago C.T. American Art Postcard

U.S. Post Office, Florence, Ala. No. 71694-N, Mrs. Cleara Bates 201 E. Vau Buren McAlester, Oklahoma , Saturday. The past office here in Florence is really prettier than this picture. Florrence is about 20 miles South of the Tennessee line. It was…

Post Office and Federal Building. Decatur, Alabama. No. 100394.

Decatur Post Office, Decatur, Ala. No. 123583. Tichnor Views.

U.S. Post Office, Decatur, Ala, No. 6A623-N, Genuine Curteich Chicago, C.T. American Art Postcard

Post Offfice Building, Cullman, Ala. PC No .88055-N, Genuine Curteich Chicago C.T. American Art Post Card

U S Weather Bureau Building. Birmingham ALA no. 3332, Mr. Willie Kuner Attalla Ala. 9-10-12 Dear Willie, Am having a jolly good time, Wish you were here. Be good Ruby S.

U.S. Post Office. Birmingham, Ala. No. 23. No. 65507. Tichnor Bros. The U.S. Post Office and Federal Building, on corner of 5th Avenue and 19th Street, built with Alabama and Georgia white marble, costing 2 1/2 million dollars, is considered one of…

U.S. Post Office and Federal Building, Birmingham, Ala. No. B-17. No. 2B-H338. Walter Rosser photo. In 1926 the roof was removed and the present third and fourth floors were added. The district court moved to the Hugo Black US Courthouse in 1987.…

New Post Office, Birmingham, Ala. No. 25175N. Souvenir folding card. US Post Office and Courthouse located at 1800 Fifth Avenue N. Construction begain in 1918 after delay by WWI and it was completed in 1921.

Government building, Birmingham, Ala. The original name was the U.S. Post Office and Federal Building. The U.S. Circuit Court for the Northern District of Alabama met here until 1921. The building was razed in the early 1900s. Postmarked Oct. 26,…

Birmingham, Ala. U.S. Post Office and Custom house. Raphael Tuck & Sons Series No. 2534, Birmingham, Ala. Art publishers to their magesties the king and Queen. Located at Second Avenue N. and 18th Street. The HQ for the Northern District of…

United States Post Office, Athens, Ala. No. 3A518-N.

U.S. Weather Bureau, Anniston, Ala. No. 17671.

U.S. Post Office, Anniston, Ala. No. 20. No. 20768. A two story rear addition and full basment was built in 1934. The post office relocated in 1962, The building was renovated in 1963-1964. It is still in use. Located at 1129 Nobel Street. Placed on…

Post Office and Federal Court House in Anniston, Ala. No. 2. No. 17672. There were complete plans for a differend building in a Colonial style were finished in 1902 and a contract let. Construction of the foundation had begun when the building was…
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